from both the iGiotto robot and the Omindry vertical oven led PWS to choose cefla solution to meet their needs as manufacturers of kitchen cabinets and furniture items.
Not to mention the sealing capability accomplished on a MITO oscillating spray coater. This quick look at the case study illustrates the benefits from the customer’s point of view.
Ultimate flexibility for PWS, British manufacturer of kitchen cabinets, who approached Cefla to discover the best in terms of finishing quality and flexibility with spraying equipment and the Omnidry oven.

Anthropomorphic painting robot. Maximum flexibility and excellence for painting 3D objects. The iGiottoApp technology is the state of the art in automation integrated in the finishing field.

Its construction characteristics place Omnidry at the state of the art in both performance and reliability. What’s more, the optional FLEXPRO function can automatically manage variations in passage height in response to piece height.