Going from manual to automated spraying is like going from washing the dishes by hand to using a dishwasher for the first time. Maybe not exactly, but think of it this way: put the dishes in, add the detergent, switch on and relax. You soon forget about piles of dirty dishes, running water, drying racks, soggy sponges, towels and wet hands.
Automated spray-coating equipment is efficient, consumes less lacquer and ensures consistent quality. The result you achieve first thing in the morning is the same as the quality obtained after 8 hours spent spraying panels. Because automated spray-coating machines don’t get tired or stop for coffee.
More savings through our patented spray cleaning technology
A system ensuring maximum cleaning potential recovers more paint and enables you to use less detergent during running time. Less detergent meanslower operating costs, it safeguards your equipment and ensures ahealthier environment. Our patented spray cleaning system ensures greater paint recovery, lower detergent consumption, fewer stoppages to replace belts, shorter cleaning times and, above all, enhanced production efficiency.
Working with a sprayer or a robot with a belt for paint recovery means cleaning the belt regularly and the more paint you recover, the less you spend. If your spray cleaning system is conventional, you will not only throw away a lot of paint, but you will also use a significant amount of detergent. Conventional systems also lead to rapid belt deterioration, either through the abrasion from belt cleaner blades or aggressive solvents.